The world’s population is expected to reach an estimated 8.5 billion by the year 2030. With a population this high, the demand on the agricultural industry is greater than ever. In order to ensure that the present needs of our society are met without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own food production needs, sustainable agriculture practices are of the utmost importance.
Many leaders in the greenhouse industry understand this responsibility, and have taken the necessary steps to ensure they do their part. Here are 3 ways that the top greenhouses contribute to sustainable agriculture.
For many greenhouses, a fertilizer solution called nutrient feedwater is used to help grow their produce. This feedwater solution gets recirculated throughout the facilities across multiple growing cycles. This process minimizes the inputs into local surface water, groundwater and soil.
Keeping a large greenhouse warm enough to grow fresh and flavorful produce year-round is not an easy task. In order to ensure an optimal temperature is maintained, many greenhouses use a special boiler system to heat their operations. As CO2 is expelled from this system, it can be captured and filtered, and can then be used as a natural, air-borne fertilizer to feed their growing plants.
Using bumblebees to naturally pollinate produce is a standard practice in the greenhouse industry. These hard-working bumblebees help improve the quality and quantity of the produce grown, and help reduce the need for harmful chemicals and pesticides.